Lidia Escobar

Food Is Medicine Participant | Hayward Wellness

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“I cook healthier now for the well-being of my family. … I like to think of my kitchen as a laboratory—I can experiment with new recipes or modify them in different ways. It’s something I really like to do.”

I’ve been bringing my children to Hayward Wellness Clinic since they were born. I learn about programs here from my children’s pediatrician, and when I heard about Food Is Medicine, I was interested.

I’ve learned how to eat healthier portion sizes of food and how to do more physical activities at home. I’ve learned about doing things like playing sports or games and exercising in general. My children are also participants, so they’ve come to learn the value of healthy eating for themselves.

I cook healthier now for the well-being of my family. I’m motivated to look up recipes online. I print them and put them up on my refrigerator. It helps me make healthier food, like green smoothies with kale. I like to think of my kitchen as a laboratory—I can experiment with new recipes or modify them in different ways. It’s something I really like to do.

I’ve learned to cook more soups, and learned to make salads, which we did not eat before this program. I’ve also learned about healthier meat options with lower fat content. I’ve learned to avoid drinks like soda and juice. They are not good for the kids.

It’s been valuable to be able to speak with other moms in Food Is Medicine about what they do for and with their children. I get ideas for how to help my children live a healthier life and have a better experience.